Caryn's Knits

Monday, August 14, 2006

More work on Eris

I managed a few more hours of work on the Eris sweater yesterday, and managed to get the right-hand side of the collar complete. I'm loving the way the cables are popping with this wool, by the way.

They're just lovely. See?

So, then it was onto the first of the "pick up stitches" sections. There are a few things about this pattern that are cool, and the fact that finishing seems like it consists of weaving in the ends and nothing else is one of them. This occasionally means doing unusual things during the construction, like picking up the beginning stitches to knit in the other direction at the back of the neck.

I appear to have managed the feat there, but I'm not sure. 10 rows in, the join is, to my eyes, a little too... obvious.

That jagged bit is just a little too pronounced for my eyes. I mean, it's the back of the neck, so it'll usually be covered by hair, and I'll certainly never see it... but the fact that it's there bothers me. I'm not sure I can make it better, though. I've done what the directions said, and picked up the stitches through the middle of the existing stitches - unless my definition of "middle" isn't what the pattern means. It could just be happening because the stitches are now going in the other direction, and I have to live with the one off row.

To Frog or not to Frog? Hummmm.


  • At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Frog not! The amount of time you'd spend frogging and reworking it would be better spent just "massaging" the stitches once the whole collar is assembled. Ten minutes with a blunt tapestry needle and it won't be noticeable -- promise!


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