So, a couple of weeks ago I sat down to finally finish off my Serendipity stole. It’s only been sitting there, waiting for me to kitchener the two sides together, for about a year. And I need my cables and stitch markers back!
So I waited for a nice, sunny Saturday morning, hauled it out, and…
found that it had suffered in the great moth infestation of the summer of 2010.
It wasn’t hugely damaged, so I must’ve gotten it into the freezer before the moths could do too much damage. Spreading it out on the table really showed the weak spot, though. There doesn’t seem to be any other damage, at least.
The eaten section as just at the top end of section 5, on the side where I knit section 6 (the middle portion). So, it’s fixable – I have lots of leftover yarn, so I just have to frog out back to the lifeline at the end of clue five, take out another couple of rows, and re-knit the section. The main issue is going to be not losing all the beads used in section 6.
It’s really pretty; I wish I’d done the kitchenering a year ago – it would have been protected, then, and in with my shawls (and the moth balls) and not sitting in my crafts room.
Labels: projects, Serendipity