Marching On…
The current package for the Tanis Year in Colour Club is lovely green of Purple Label yarn, and a Glenna C sock pattern. And it’s lovely.
I started last Friday, and I’m almost to the point of the heel flap ( I need to knit about another 1/2 inch, first). I’ve thought I’d give cabling without a needle a try for this pattern, since Glenna’s patterns tend to be perfect for that – the cables are all over 2 or 3 stitches, so I don’t have a whole lot of live stitches lying about.
My biggest issue with the cabling without a cable needle? The yarn keeps splitting when I try to pick up the live stitch. I think all I need to solve that problem is a needle with sharper tips. I’m using some Pony Pearls, which are the only needles I have in the recommended size, but I think that will have to change.
Other than that, though, it’s pretty straightforward. Glenna’s tutorials are really, really clear. And, it really speeds up the progress.
And, just a reminder, Sign-ups for IndigoDragonfly’s Smart-Ass Knitters Club end April 14th. I’m really looking forward to next year’s club offerings. Last year’s stuff was so cool; I regret not signing up for it a year ago.