Caryn's Knits

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Friday night past was spent swatching for the body of the Eris, and then realizing that, although US6 needles were closest to gauge, I had none long enough. So I switched over to do a little lace, and finished off section 6 of the Desert Sun shawl, ready to double the number of stitches in the shawl so I could start section 7. Unfortunately, I didn't have a circular needle long enough for that, either. I've never done a circular shawl before, and the construction - doubling the number of stitches every time you double the number of rows - is quite cool. It is, however, just a big ball of wool at this point - I can only take a picture of a very small section, since I can't spread it out enough to do anything else.

So, that's the lace in section 6. It looks like crap to me right now, but it's lace, so it's all about the blocking, right?

Saturday, I went to Knitomatic with crystal_diva and neeuqdrazil, where I got the nice, long circular I needed for the Eris. And then, I went to town on that over the weekend.

Now, this sweater is a miracle of construction. There are cables along the raglan sleeve increases, with the increases themselves hidden inside the cable. It's a nice touch, and means you've got pretty detailing along the seam instead of the usual holes from yarn overs.

However, when you miscross a cable in this and don't notice it for another ten rows? This is very, very bad.

I wish I'd taken some pictures of the process, but I ended up dropping about ten stitches above the cable and letting them ladder down to the mistake. I then, very, very carefully re-built the cables, complete with increases. I had 5 active needles at some points. *g*

This was the result:

It's a little bit fuzzy, from the wool being overworked, I guess, but at least the cables are no longer crossing the wrong way. Yay!


  • At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey girl...

    Nice stuff you got there. And I still don't see your "In The Wings" section.

    Think I could do the Soleil top? It doesn't look TOO hard :-)

  • At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It *is* a miracle of construction! Probably my all-time favourite pattern to follow.

    -- J


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